
Rare Gems found in Sri Lanka

Have you ever wondered about the authenticity and quality of the gems you own or wish to purchase? In Sri Lanka, a land renowned for its precious gemstones, ensuring the reliability and value of gemstones is of utmost importance. This is where gem certificates come into play. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of gem certificates in Sri Lanka and explore how they protect both buyers and sellers. Whether you are a collector, jewelry enthusiast, or gemstone trader, understanding gem certificates is crucial. Let’s begin our journey into the world of gem certificates in Sri Lanka.


  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Gem Certificate?
  3. Padparadscha
  4. Tourmaline
  5. The Export and Import of Rare Gems
  6. The Potential Market for Rare Gems in Sri Lanka


When it comes to precious gems, Sri Lanka is a country of unparalleled beauty and abundance. Nestled in the heart of the Indian Ocean, this small tropical island boasts a rich history of gem mining and is renowned for its extraordinary collection of rare gems. In this article, we will explore some of the most sought-after gems found in Sri Lanka, including Alexandrite, Padparadscha, Teal Sapphire, Peach Sapphire, and Tourmaline. Join us as we unravel the fascinating world of these rare treasures.

1. Alexandrite

Alexandrite-sri Lankan-gemstones
Alexandrite, a gemstone named after the Russian Tsar Alexander II, is truly a sight to behold. What makes Alexandrite so special is its remarkable color-changing ability. In natural daylight, this gem appears green, but under incandescent light, it transforms into a beautiful shade of red. The mesmerizing play of colors exhibited by Alexandrite is a result of its unique chemical composition, which includes traces of chromium. Sri Lanka is renowned for producing high-quality Alexandrite that showcases vivid and vibrant color shifts. The most valuable Alexandrite gems possess a vivid green hue in daylight and a rich red tone under artificial lighting. While Alexandrite can be found in other parts of the world, the gems discovered in Sri Lanka are particularly prized for their exceptional clarity and color intensity.

In terms of pricing, Alexandrite is considered one of the most expensive gemstones on the market. Due to its rarity and the difficulty in sourcing high-quality stones, the price of Alexandrite can vary significantly. A top-quality Alexandrite gem can fetch prices upward of thousands of dollars per carat.

2. Padparadscha

Padparadscha-sri Lankan-gemstones
Known as the king of Sri Lankan gems, Padparadscha is a truly exquisite and rare gemstone. Its name is derived from the Sinhalese word for “lotus blossom,” which perfectly describes its stunning blend of pink and orange hues. The color of Padparadscha is reminiscent of a romantic sunset, captivating all who lay eyes upon it.

Padparadscha gemstones are highly coveted by collectors and connoisseurs due to their scarcity and exceptional beauty. The finest Padparadscha stones exhibit a delicate balance of pink and orange tones, often with a hint of peach. These gems are hailed for their clarity, brilliance, and enchanting coloration. In terms of value, Padparadscha is considered one of the most expensive gems in the world. Its rarity and allure have made it a highly sought-after gemstone among investors and gem enthusiasts. The price of Padparadscha can vary widely depending on factors such as size, color intensity, and overall quality, with top-quality stones commanding prices in the tens of thousands of dollars per carat. Sri Lanka is renowned for producing high-quality Alexandrite that showcases vivid and vibrant color shifts. The most valuable Alexandrite gems possess a vivid green hue in daylight and a rich red tone under artificial lighting. While Alexandrite can be found in other parts of the world, the gems discovered in Sri Lanka are particularly prized for their exceptional clarity and color intensity. In terms of pricing, Alexandrite is considered one of the most expensive gemstones on the market. Due to its rarity and the difficulty in sourcing high-quality stones, the price of Alexandrite can vary significantly. A top-quality Alexandrite gem can fetch prices upward of thousands of dollars per carat.

3. Teal Sapphire

Teal Sapphire is a unique gemstone that showcases a mesmerizing blend of blue and green, reminiscent of the shimmering waters of the Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka is known for producing some of the finest Teal Sapphires, with their vibrant and captivating colors capturing the essence of the island’s natural beauty. What sets Teal Sapphire apart from other gemstones is its exceptional clarity and brilliance. The combination of its vivid coloration and exceptional transparency makes it a highly sought-after gem among collectors and jewelry enthusiasts. Teal Sapphires are often used as center stones in unique and exquisite jewelry pieces, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.

When it comes to the price range of Teal Sapphire, it can vary depending on factors such as size, color intensity, and overall quality. Top-quality Teal Sapphires can command prices ranging from several hundred to thousands of dollars per carat.

4. Peach Sapphire

Peach Sapphire
With its delicate and enchanting hues, Peach Sapphire has captured the hearts of gem enthusiasts around the world. Sri Lanka is known for producing some of the finest Peach Sapphires, which exhibit a soft and romantic blend of pink and orange tones. These gems evoke a sense of warmth and tranquility, reminiscent of a gentle sunset on a tropical paradise. Peach Sapphires are highly valued for their exceptional clarity, brilliance, and unique coloration. The finest Peach Sapphires possess a subtle blend of pink and orange, exuding a sense of femininity and elegance. These gems are often used in high-end jewelry designs, adding a touch of sophistication and allure.

In terms of pricing, Peach Sapphires are relatively more affordable compared to some of the other rare gems found in Sri Lanka. Prices can vary depending on factors such as size, color intensity, and overall quality, with top-quality Peach Sapphires ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per carat.

5. Tourmaline

Tourmaline-sri Lankan-gemstones
Tourmaline is a versatile and captivating gemstone known for its wide range of colors. Sri Lanka is home to an array of stunning Tourmalines, including vibrant greens, vivid pinks, rich blues, and even rare bi-colored variations. The diverse and mesmerizing color palette of Tourmaline makes it a favorite among gemstone collectors and jewelry designers. The quality of Tourmalines found in Sri Lanka is highly regarded due to their exceptional color saturation, clarity, and brilliance. These gems are often cut into various shapes and sizes, allowing for unique and creative jewelry designs. Whether used as a centerpiece or as accent stones, Tourmalines add a burst of color and vibrancy to any piece of jewelry.

In terms of pricing, Tourmaline offers a wide range of options to suit different budgets. The price of Tourmaline can vary depending on factors such as color, clarity, size, and overall quality. High-quality Tourmalines can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per carat, making them an accessible yet stunning choice for gem lovers.

The Export and Import of Rare Gems

The Export and Import of Rare Gems Sri Lanka has long been a hub for the export and import of rare gems, attracting buyers and collectors from all over the world. The gem industry in Sri Lanka is well-established and regulated, ensuring the authenticity and quality of the gemstones being traded. The country exports a significant quantity of precious gems, including Alexandrite, Padparadscha, Teal Sapphire, Peach Sapphire, and Tourmaline. These gems are highly sought-after in international markets due to their rarity, exceptional quality, and unique characteristics. Sri Lanka’s gem industry plays a crucial role in boosting the country’s economy and fostering international trade relationships.

On the import side, Sri Lanka also attracts gem enthusiasts and jewelry designers who seek to acquire rare and unique gems from different parts of the world. This exchange of gems from various sources enriches the local market and allows for the creation of one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces that showcase a fusion of different gemstone varieties.

The Potential Market for Rare Gems in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka not only produces exquisite gemstones but also boasts a thriving domestic market for rare gems. The local demand for these precious stones stems from various sources, including jewelry manufacturers, collectors, and individuals with a penchant for unique and stunning gemstones.

The domestic market for rare gems offers a range of opportunities for both small-scale and large-scale businesses. Jewelry manufacturers rely on a steady supply of high-quality gemstones to create unique and captivating designs that cater to the preferences of local customers. Collectors and jewelry enthusiasts also contribute to the market by seeking out rare and valuable gems to add to their collections or to create custom jewelry pieces.

The potential market for rare gems in Sri Lanka extends beyond the borders of the country as well. Sri Lankan gemstones are highly sought-after in international markets, with buyers from around the world recognizing the exceptional quality and beauty of these gems. The unique charm and rarity of Sri Lankan gemstones make them a coveted choice among collectors, investors, and individuals looking for truly exceptional pieces of jewelry.

In conclusion, Sri Lanka’s rich abundance of rare gems, including Alexandrite, Padparadscha, Teal Sapphire, Peach Sapphire, and Tourmaline, showcases the country’s unique position in the world of gemstone mining and trading. The exceptional quality, rarity, and beauty of these gems have captivated the hearts of gem enthusiasts worldwide. Sri Lanka’s gem industry continues to thrive, with a strong domestic market and a prominent presence in international trade. Whether you are a seasoned collector, a jewelry enthusiast, or simply drawn to the allure of rare gems, Sri Lanka is undoubtedly a treasure trove waiting to be explored.

Sri Lankan, European and African Gemstones.

Sri Lankan Gemstones are among the most famous in the world, recent gem findings have been sought out in Sri Lanka.
We are proud to offer our services to gem lovers all around the globe.

Our Affiliations


License Dealer of National Gem and Jewellery Authority

Registered Exporter of Sri Lanka Export Development Board
Member of China Fort Gem and Jewellery Trade Association (CGJTA)
Shine on Gem & Jewellery specializing in Sri Lankan, European and African, both precious and semi-precious gemstones, meteorites, fossils and gold Jewellery. This has been our family business for years with vast experience. We offer the best and most reliable services on all kinds of stones and gold jewellery items with enthusiasm.

We are progressing to expand our business across Sri Lanka and overseas to the UK, Europe, the United States, Australia, Thailand, China, Russia, Brazil, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Madagascar and Tanzania.

Contact Us

116/A, Abdul Azeez Mawatha, Kuruduwattha, Gintota, Galle, Sri Lanka 80280
contact@shineongems.com sales@shineongems.com

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+94 777773737 (Sri Lanka)

+94 77 5252552
+94 768 817817
+94 768 819819

+94 774949499 / +94 712004700

+94 768 81 81 81

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+44 7568783737

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