Discover the allure of the Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire, its history, characteristics, uses, and how to identify genuine pieces.
This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about this precious gemstone.

The Unearthed Beauty of
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire A Comprehensive Guide

What is a Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire?

Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire, also known as Ceylon Yellow Sapphire, is a variety of corundum, a mineral composed of aluminum oxide. This precious gemstone is known for its vibrant yellow color, which is primarily due to the presence of trace elements such as iron and titanium. Yellow sapphires from Sri Lanka are highly prized for their unique color, which can range from light lemon-yellow to deep golden-yellow shades.

History and Origin of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire

The history of yellow sapphire mining in Sri Lanka dates back over 2,000 years. The island was known as “Ratna-Dweepa,” meaning “Island of Gems,” in ancient texts. The gemstones found in Sri Lanka, including yellow sapphires, have been admired for their quality and beauty by various civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, and Chinese.
The Significance of Yellow Sapphire in Sri Lanka
Yellow sapphires hold a special place in Sri Lankan culture and tradition. They are considered symbols of prosperity, wealth, and good fortune. In addition, yellow sapphires are often used in traditional Sri Lankan jewelry designs, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the wearer.
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphires are known for their distinct characteristics and features. These aspects contribute to their popularity among gemstone enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.
Characteristics and Features of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphires come in a variety of sizes, ranging from small carats to large gemstones. Larger stones are rarer and more valuable. The shape of these sapphires can vary, with the most common shapes being oval, cushion, and round. However, they can also be found in fancy shapes like pear, emerald, and heart.

Quality and Grading of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire

The quality of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is determined by factors such as color, clarity, carat weight, and cut. Gemstone grading laboratories often evaluate these sapphires based on these criteria to provide an accurate assessment of their quality. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is one such laboratory that grades gemstones, including yellow sapphires.
Color and Clarity of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
The color of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is one of its most defining features. It ranges from pale yellow to rich golden hues, with the most valuable stones exhibiting a bright, medium to deep yellow color. The color distribution in these sapphires is often even, making them highly desirable.

Clarity is another important characteristic of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire. These gemstones are known for their exceptional clarity, with many stones being eye-clean, meaning they have no visible inclusions to the naked eye. The combination of vibrant color and high clarity makes Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphires truly captivating.
Size and Shape of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphires
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphires come in a variety of sizes, ranging from small carats to large gemstones. Larger stones are rarer and more valuable. The shape of these sapphires can vary, with the most common shapes being oval, cushion, and round. However, they can also be found in fancy shapes like pear, emerald, and heart.
Quality and Grading of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
The quality of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is determined by factors such as color, clarity, carat weight, and cut. Gemstone grading laboratories often evaluate these sapphires based on these criteria to provide an accurate assessment of their quality. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is one such laboratory that grades gemstones, including yellow sapphires.
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire Mining and Extraction
The mining and extraction of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire are integral to understanding the journey of this gemstone from the earth to the market.

Quality and Grading of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire

The quality of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is determined by factors such as color, clarity, carat weight, and cut. Gemstone grading laboratories often evaluate these sapphires based on these criteria to provide an accurate assessment of their quality. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is one such laboratory that grades gemstones, including yellow sapphires.
Yellow Sapphire Mining Locations in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is home to several gemstone mining regions, with Ratnapura, Balangoda, and Elahera being some of the most famous. These regions have been the source of some of the finest yellow sapphires in the world. The geology of these areas, characterized by alluvial deposits, makes them ideal for gemstone mining.
Mining Techniques for Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
Traditional mining methods are still prevalent in Sri Lanka. These include pit mining, river mining, and tunnel mining. Miners use simple tools and equipment to extract the gemstones from the earth. The mining process is labor-intensive, and the miners work in challenging conditions to retrieve these precious stones.
Sustainability and Ethical Concerns in Yellow Sapphire Mining
The mining industry in Sri Lanka faces challenges related to sustainability and ethics. Environmental concerns, such as deforestation and soil erosion, are prevalent in mining regions. Additionally, there are issues related to the welfare of the miners, who often work in hazardous conditions with limited access to healthcare and education. Efforts are being made to address these concerns and promote responsible mining practices.
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire Market and Trade
The market and trade of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire play a crucial role in the gemstone industry. These aspects highlight the economic significance and challenges faced by the industry.
Global Demand and Value of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is highly sought after in the global gemstone market. Its unique color, clarity, and history make it a popular choice among gemstone enthusiasts, collectors, and investors. The value of these sapphires varies based on factors such as color, clarity, carat weight, and cut.
Challenges and Opportunities in Yellow Sapphire Trading
The yellow sapphire trade faces challenges related to fluctuating market demand, price volatility, and competition from synthetic gemstones. However, there are also opportunities for growth and innovation in the industry, with advancements in gemstone treatments and the increasing popularity of ethical and sustainable practices.
Importance of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire in International Markets
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire holds a significant place in international markets. Its reputation for quality and authenticity attracts buyers from around the world. The export of yellow sapphires contributes to the economy of Sri Lanka and supports the livelihoods of many individuals involved in the gemstone trade.
Uses and Applications of Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is not just a beautiful gemstone; it also has various uses and applications that make it a valuable addition to any collection.
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire in Jewelry Design
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is a popular choice for jewelry design. Its vibrant color and durability make it an ideal gemstone for rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. The gemstone adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any piece of jewelry.
Healing Properties and Benefits of Yellow Sapphire
Yellow sapphire is believed to have healing properties and benefits in various cultures. It is said to bring prosperity, happiness, and success to the wearer. Some also believe that it has the power to heal ailments related to the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.
Significance of Yellow Sapphire in Astrology
In astrology, yellow sapphire is associated with the planet Jupiter and is considered a powerful gemstone for attracting wealth and fortune. It is often recommended for individuals seeking success in their careers and personal lives. Wearing yellow sapphire is believed to enhance one’s wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire holds a special place in the world of gemstones. Its unique characteristics, history, and significance make it a valuable addition to any collection.
How to Identify a Genuine Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
Identifying a genuine Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire requires knowledge and expertise. Factors such as color, clarity, and inclusions can help determine the authenticity of the gemstone. Additionally, seeking the services of a certified gemologist or a reputable gemstone laboratory can provide assurance of the gemstone’s authenticity.
Tips for Buying Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
When buying Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire, it’s essential to consider factors such as color, clarity, carat weight, and cut. Additionally, it’s crucial to purchase from reputable dealers and seek certification from recognized gemstone laboratories. Inquiring about the origin and treatment of the gemstone can also provide valuable information.
Caring for Your Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
Proper care and maintenance are essential for preserving the beauty and value of your Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire. Avoid exposing the gemstone to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and abrasive surfaces. Regular cleaning with a mild detergent and a soft brush can help maintain the gemstone’s brilliance.
Yellow Sapphire Price in Sri Lanka and Gems Price List
When it comes to purchasing Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire, understanding the price and the gem price list in Sri Lanka is crucial. The price of yellow sapphire in Sri Lanka varies depending on factors such as color, clarity, carat weight, and cut. A well-cut, eye-clean yellow sapphire with a vibrant color can command a higher price. The gemstone market in Sri Lanka operates on a price list that includes a wide range of gemstones, including sapphires, rubies, and other precious stones. This price list is often used by dealers, collectors, and buyers to determine the value of the gemstones.
FAQs About Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
How to Identify a Genuine Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire
Here are some frequently asked questions about Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire and their answers.
How do I know if my Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is real?
To ensure the authenticity of your Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire, it’s essential to purchase from a reputable dealer and seek certification from a recognized gemstone laboratory. Additionally, consulting a gemologist or an expert in the field can provide valuable insights.
What is the difference between a Sri Lankan and a Ceylon Yellow Sapphire?
Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire and Ceylon Yellow Sapphire refer to the same gemstone. The term “Ceylon” is the former name of Sri Lanka, and the gemstone is often referred to by this name in the gemstone trade.
How should I care for my Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire?
To care for your Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and abrasive surfaces. Clean the gemstone regularly with a mild detergent and a soft brush to maintain its brilliance. Store it in a safe and secure location to prevent damage.
Can Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire be used in engagement rings?
Yes, Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is an excellent choice for engagement rings. Its vibrant color, durability, and significance make it a popular choice for those seeking a unique and meaningful engagement ring.
What is the significance of wearing a Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire?
Wearing a Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire is believed to bring prosperity, happiness, and success to the wearer. It is also associated with the planet Jupiter in astrology and is considered a powerful gemstone for attracting wealth and fortune.
Where can I buy a genuine Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire?
To buy a genuine Sri Lankan Yellow Sapphire, consider purchasing from reputable dealers, gemstone shows, and online marketplaces. Ensure that the dealer provides certification from a recognized gemstone laboratory and inquire about the origin and treatment of the gemstone.

Our Affiliations


License Dealer of National Gem and Jewellery Authority

Registered Exporter of Sri Lanka Export Development Board
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Sri Lankan, European and African Gemstones.

Sri Lankan Gemstones are among the most famous in the world, recent gem findings have been sought out in Sri Lanka.
We are proud to offer our services to gem lovers all around the globe.
Shine on Gem & Jewellery specializing in Sri Lankan, European and African, both precious and semi-precious gemstones, meteorites, fossils and gold Jewellery. This has been our family business for years with vast experience. We offer the best and most reliable services on all kinds of stones and gold jewellery items with enthusiasm.

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